During this module I was very engaged from the beginning to the end, concentrated and punctual to the date lines. I became more systematic and methodical in the way I studied theoretical material and expressed myself in written form. My blog is an explanatory and informative example of my development. It is interesting to read, synthetic and accessible to people who are not involved with the module. I learned to use different methods during my research in a productive way, although this kind of systematization in the theoretical aspects of my work is not still visible in the practical aspect. In fact there is still a chaotic element with regard to the presentation of my work, the organization and planning of my rehearsals – the steps I have to take for a clear process of experimentation in studio.
This chaotic element is sometimes combined with lack of clarity that can confuse those assisting my work. I demonstrated the tendency to take into consideration the format and to be more worried about how I deliver my work to others instead of focussing on the content behind the product of my research. This is also an indication that I want to consider all the details and aspects of my work, although the risk is to stay on the surface, lose the main point of my research and to not work on the quality of the different parts. Technology and other media like video, editing, photography, made my research supported by different tools but at times they took over without being clear to me how they could be used efficiently. Sometimes technology became the “easy” way to experiment rather than going deeper into experimentation by using what I really have always available:my Body. I could have taken more risks and challenged myself more concerning practical aspects. However I really challenged some self boundaries and I reconsidered the way I usually work.
Regarding collaboration with other people, I was collaborative, supportive,open minded, available and full engaged without losing my compass and orientation regarding my research . I was open to any kind of feedback and I always tried to reflect on it and use it in an efficient and productive way in order to go deeper and develop my work. Sometimes it was difficult to apply the theory into practice and embody thoughts and reflections after the feedback but I didn´t give up the effort. I tried successfully to adapt myself quickly to new circumstances and take what each place had to give me despite difficulties like in PAF. Sometimes I thought and reflected more than necessary.
I had difficulties finding a thread to make the content of my research clearer but in the end I managed to conclude my residency in PAF with more a clearer definition of what my project is about and the nexts steps I would like to take thanks to my spirit, complete engagement and of course the help and support of my tutors and peers.