Notes: Zizek. How to read Lacan.
Chapter: God is Dead, but He Doesn’t Know It”: Lacan Plays with Bobok.
Key words: God, Atheism, father, unconscious, belief, faith, dead, commodity fetishism, Marx, prohibition, permition, magic object, Bobok, Gnosticism, externality of truth, Judaism-Christianity, cyberspace, cybersex, necrophilia, corpse, harassment, tolerance, proximity, narcissistic subjectivity, enjoyment, obsession, denegation, “saying it all”.
In this chapter, Zizek examines superego and the role of big Other in relation to Religion (Atheism-Judaism) versus Lacan’s thesis that “If God is dead but he doesn’t know it”, and to the Marxian theory about commodity.He will extend his analysis to the field of literature by taking as example Dostoevsky and Kafka. This discourse will be linked with the Cyberspace ideology and the Gnostic cyberspace dream, a space without constrains and where nobody is harassed. According Zizek, “harassment” has an ambiguous function; from one hand the fear of “harassment” brings the condemnation of brutal and violent actions against others and on the other hand encourage the distance from the others and the creation of prohibitions regarding risky enjoyments. As a result “Enjoy” becomes more a strange ethical duty and the individual feel guilty for not being able to enjoy. Therefore, psychoanalyst assumes the role to release the patient from this kind of pressure to enjoy.
“God is dead” claims the atheist but Lacan argues that this declaration doesn’t kill Him but he always survives in the unconscious and thus atheism is not operative. The fact that atheist reassert God’s death actually what they are doing is to reaffirming his existence. In the modern western society the subject is presented as a tolerant hedonist that express its doubts but his mind is full of repressed prohibitions. In that sense an atheist, Zizek claims, is unconsciously dominated by prohibitions that .There is also the thesis that if God exists then everything is permitted (religious fundamentalism) that apparently gives a sort of freedom to the subject but actually creates new prohibitions. The example of the old-authoritarian father and the post modern non authoritarian father who tries to convince the child to visit his grandmother even if he doesn’t want to, makes obvious that both of them act (directly or indirectly) trying to deprive the child from his inner freedom. But in a certain way it s more dangerous the implicit way of the postmodern father.
The opinion that the atheist unconsciously believe in God but without knowing is linked with the paradigm on psychoanalysis and Marxian theory about commodity. The subject need to convince its own unconscious about the truth.
Marx uses fetishism to explain how commodity function in the modern society. Fetishism regards the belief of people that in the objects inhere magic powers. Even the people who claim that they don’t believe in that actually in their social reality they act and behave on the contrary. According Marx, commodity is not located to people’s mind but in the social reality itself. Commodity is a a social phenomenon and appears only within the social exchange of relations.
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In literature Kafka refers to the “magic” of the commodities and Dostoevsky provides an example of thee statement that “If there is no God, everything is permitted” in the weird story of Bobok:
The story of Ivan Ivanovitch who one day attends the funeral of a casual acquaintance and falls to contemplation in the graveyard. He hears the voices of the recently deceased and buried, and he listens to their conversation. They (un)deads discuss because the “inertia” of consciousness allows them to converse even while in the grave “for two or three months… sometimes even for half a year” . As the deceased prepare to entertain themselves by revealing all of the shameful details of their earthly lives, Ivan Ivanovitch sneezes. The dead are silent afterward. Ivan Ivanovitch leaves the graveyard distressed that depravity exists even in the grave, “the last moments of consciousness,” but hopeful that he may visit other cemeteries and finally have something to write about.
This story expresses the motif that everything is permitted if there is no God and no immortality of the soul. The deceased are aware that they are dead that allow to them not be shamed. The talking corps experience is a proof that God exists: “God is here, keeping them alive after death, which is why can say everything”.
Zizek uses in his analysis the term Gnosticism > “externality of truth” and says that both Paganism and Gnosticism perceive the path toward the truth as the “inner journey” of spiritual self-purification.
Gnosticism is religious movement characterized by a belief in gnosis, through which the spiritual element in man could be released from its bondage in matter: regarded as a heresy by the Christian Church ( It is grounded in the human act of reflecting upon existence. The Gnostics are concerned with the basic questions of existence or “being-in-the-world” (Dasein)—that is:
who we are (as human beings),
where we have come from,
and where we are heading, historically and spiritually.
Gnostics of all kinds deny the idea that God directly created the material world, which they see as corrupt or fallen. Where Christianity and Gnosticism differ from Judaism is who or what created the Universe. Both reject the idea that God (the Jewish one) created the universe and claim other beings did it. In fact Gnostics believe the Law was given by lesser beings seeing the Hebrew God as a fallen angel or worse, the devil himself. Christianity claimed Jesus created the Universe before He became flesh. Gnostics differed claiming Jesus was a spirit.
From philosophical perspective according the Gnostics and Carl Jung the temporally constructed self is not the true self. The true self is the supreme consciousness existing and persisting beyond all space and time. Jung calls this the pure consciousness or Self, in contradistinction to the “ego consciousness” which is the temporally constructed and maintained form of a discrete existent (cf. C.G. Jung, “Gnostic Symbols of the Self,” in The Gnostic Jung 1992, pp. 55-92).
Here Zizek uses the Gnosticism as the “externalization of the truth” and in relation to the Cyberspace ideology and he is wondering if if we are becoming more and more monadic (Leibnitz’ s “monadology”)with no direct windows onto reality, interacting alone with the PC screen, encountering only virtual simulacra, and yet immersed more than ever in a global network, synchronously communicating with the entire world. This reminds me the animation film WALL-E and the human passengers of the space-ship that “escaped” from the polluted Earth, who enclosed to the space of the spaceship interact with each other virtually completely unaware of the others presence.
The cyberspace is this kind of space where the people are not interacting with each other but with machines or virtual people. This kind of space “saves” from any kind of “harassment”. The fear of harassment in the modern society has as consequence not only the condemnation of brutal actions against the other but also the distance between the individuals. To be tolerant means avoid to go close to the other for the fear to intrude his/her space. The obsession about the sexual harassment leads to a “narcissistic subjectivity” for which everything that the others do is seen as a threat. In this way new prohibitions are emerged to block the “risky” excessive desires for enjoyment. This prohibitions become obstacles that deprive the subject from access to sexual satisfaction and the enjoyment becomes an ethical duty. The psychoanalyst in that case assume the role to free the person from the duty to “Enjoy!”.
Also spelled cyberarts and cyber art, is art produced with the help of computers. It is part of new media art, an umbrella term for forms of art that use non-traditional media. The function of the computer in creating this kind of art can be either in software or hardware. Though the term can be applied to traditionally-produced art that is merely scanned in, it is usually reserved for art that uses a computer for an integral part of the design.
-Can be that: The big Other does exist, therefore is not all permitted or prohibited?