P.A.F 04.09

Lets start with some inspiration today


Lili Handel by Ivo Dimcev



Being John Malcovitch

-WELL MAXINE, I Am not sure exacTly …

PErhaPS ThE IDEA BEcoming soMEone Else for a WHIle.

Being inside anOTHER SKin.

THINKing differently

MOVing differently


FEELing diferently.

…about the nature of self…the existence of the soul… weather I am me

…It’s like he has a vagina.is vaginal..he is pennis and vagina…akind of Malcovitch feminine site

so strong. I want that voice..

Someone was talking through my mouth….through me..

..the truth is for suckers..

..am I a kind of a monster?…No honey…you are  a very confused man.

..It’s all about making friend with Malcovitch body rather than thinking of  he is an enemy that has to be pounded into submission



What do I get from these video?

  • Revelation of the truth self. this has to be happen in the presence of the Others.
  • Looking yourself from a hole. How do change your lenses?
  • The horror of finding and seeing all the aspects of yourself.
  • What u demonstrate is the hybrid of yourself. Something that belongs somewhere between reality and fantasy.
  • Awareness of the place you are or Control of yourself and your actions? Both can be the different aspects of the same game.






P.A.F. 03.09

 Tuesday 03.09.2013 PAF

My mother answers in my questions. I read them and I feel so touched. Tears.

A man from whom I have 2 or 3 vague memories. A man with whom I am connected because of our history written in the same book..A question of genes, what we call “the same blood”? His story passes infiltrated to my story. I know him but I don’t know him. What do I keep from him in this research and how do I “translate” psycho physically these elements/info?

Τα περισσοτερα, οπως καταλαβαίνεις τα ξέρει ο θείος σου…. που τον εζησε απο κοντα. Θα σου πω ομως κι εγω αυτα που ξερω,,,, Γεννηθηκε το 1924 και επειδη ηταν ο μικροτερος στην οικογενεια ειχε και τα περισσοτερα προνομια…. ηταν ο χαιδεμενος! Πηγε στο γυμνασιο, τοτε που πολυ λιγα παιδια πηγαιναν, ηταν εξυπνος, κοινωνικος, ζεστος και γελαστος, με παρα πολλους φιλους, κατι σαν εσενα…….! Ηταν παντα μεσα σ’ολα τα θέματα, σ’ολες τις συζητησεις…… Ισχυρογνωμων σε πολλα, δεν του αρεσε να λεει το ιδιο πραγμα δυο φορες….. επρεπε να τον καταλαβεις με τη μια. Ακουγε πολλη μουσικη και διαβαζε παρα πολυ. Οτι βιβλιο του επεφτε στα χερια: απο κομικς μεχρι απαγορευμενα πολιτικα βιβλια. Του αρεσε πολυ η καλοπεραση. Γλεντια, χοροι, πανηγυρια και οτι αλλο υπηρχε τοτε, σ’ολα μεσα. Δεν θυμαμαι καλα, αλλα μαλλον τραγουδουσε, καλα εννοω, απ’οτι ελεγαν. Αλλα χορευε σιγουρα, και μαλιστα ζειμπεκικο!! Επινε στα συνηθισμενα πλαισια οταν εβγαινε εξω, αλλα καπνιζε αρκετα, αν και το σταματησε οταν γυρω στα 55 του χρονια. Οσο για το ντυσιμο, και γενικως την περιποιηση, ηταν ο απολυτος ορισμός της “κοκετας” (πως ειναι αληθεια στο αρσενικο;;; κοκετος; χαχα) Ηταν περηφανος και δεν δισταζε δημοσια να πει την αποψη του ωμα, εστω και αν ηξερε πως αυτο μπορει να ειχε ασχημες επιπτωσεις, (οπως και ειχε πολιτικα, με αποτελεσμα να φτασει ενα βημα πριν την εξορια στην χουντα….) Θυμωνε και βλασφημουσε, αλλα του περνουσε γρηγορα. Σε νεαρη ηλικια και πριν παντρευτει επαθε σπονδυλο-αρθριτιδα, που του δημιουργησε την κυρτωση στην πλατη και δυσκαμψια στον αυχενα, αυτο τον δυσκολευε στην κινηση του κεφαλιου του, του αυχενα….. Η δουλεια του ηταν αγροτης, και παραλληλα για πολλα χρονια ειχε το κρεοπωλειο στο χωριο. Αγαπημενο φαγητο αμφιβαλλω αν ειχε ποτε, ετρωγε πολυ λιγο, και δεν ηταν το πρωτο του μελημα…. Οταν μεγαλωσα, διαπιστωσα οτι ηταν πολλοι οι ανθρωποι που τον θαυμαζαν, δεν ξερω ακριβως το γιατι, αλλα μου εδειχναν οτι ηταν περηφανοι που ειχαν υπαρξει φιλοι του. Ακομα και τωρα υπαρχουν ατομα που μου το λενε…… και ενας απο αυτους θα χαιροταν να σου μιλησει (ο φιλος του ο Φερλες) Παρενθεση: Απο μικρη μου ελεγαν: <Νιόνιο, αγύριστο κεφαλι> Γιατι αληθεια;;;;;

Βρισκεις να του μοιαζεις καπου;;;;

family foto

*I will try to translate it.


Thoughts stimulating after Pavlos comment regarding psychoanalysis and choreography.

So far as I perceive Psychoanalysis is a way/method of understanding yourself includes also an understanding of what you are doing. I see choreography as something that you build up slowly, a kind of architectural building made with the traces of your deeper understanding regarding yourself and the topic that concerns you at the present moment.
But the relationship between choreography and psychoanalysis is more complex, I think.
Sometimes we use to analyse things for the shake of doing it. Sometimes we choreograph just for the shake to do it. When we skip this kind of intention> Doing for the shake of Doing, we can deal with psychoanalysis and choreography as processes towards the discovery of “truth”. Here comes in my mind the concept of “truths” according Badiou…as something that is not static and not appears in the context of knowledge. Something that changes constantly, moments of a fluid state. ( In this point I would like to ask if we can have a lecture regarding Badiou concepts of event and truth in relation to the moment of performance).

Regarding the main difficulty and where the hard work is, I feel and believe that concerns the Honesty. In order to have an efficient function any kind of analysis I believe that the element of Honesty is relevant, is the key. It’s these one moment of honesty that is difficult to be externalized and shared in a presentation or performance. Therefore, I start believing that the best choreography is the one that never will be re-staged/re-presented, re-performed.Like the dance. The nest dance is the one that you haven’t danced yet. But this doesn’t mean that there is no worth in all these attempts to bring back that moment of honesty. What u can do is to find the way to bring the essence of that moment. This is the hard work.



The image that could reflect the point and the state in which I am after almost 9 days of research is>

One of the rooms of this big old renovated monastery, probably the cave, with all the material that I have collected up to now>video , foto, thoughts ….all these pieces and outcomes that maybe worth or not..Like in the bins, always u can find a treasure..or not.

And me in another room. Sitting in the middle of the space in a chair, crossed dressed as a man but without fake beard…the whole surface of the floor is covered by photos..3 different photo in copies> of my grandfather, my brother and of my father..but without their faces.

Actually I was thinking the way that I could “present” on Sunday (day of presentation, final feedback and evaluation) before leaving from PAF. So I discussed this with Pavlos

Pavlos regarding the process

  • WAIT….WAIT ACTIVELY.  I think that very often my spontaneity, imagination, intuition and the state of Epifania (term in the way that it was  explained by Pavlos some days ago and I found very inspiring.* in which I find myself to be in certain moments > “I got IT”,  makes me to a little  bit rush. I have a certain conclusion in my mind and I direct the things in that direction but without to have finished my research. Although I think its nice to have the imagination active I realize that I have to be patience. I have still at least 3 days of work 
  • Which is the quintessence of your research? Your thesis? You need to find and collect all these elements that will compose at the end the core of your research, a thesis that it will be the combination of  the basic principles and concepts emerged from your research. 
  • LANGUAGE> the  language you will use in order to deliver your thesis has to be coherent and rooted to the concept. 
  • What are you trying to convince me about with your presentation as audience?I perceive the word convince as being sure about what are you doing. 
  • ANTEVORTA and CRITERIA where the work is based. They have not been defined in a functional and essential way. I think that making your own manifesto is difficult.  I think the main difficulty was that I hadn’t complete and  deep understanding of certain concepts regarding the books (Zizek, Agamben, Badiou) which we had to read and base our Manifesto/Antevorta. After our discussion I understood how it works and how can function as a way/methodology for making more structured work. I need to digest certain concepts. Of course I believe that you can also understand when you try to apply them in your practice. When you don’t have a deep understanding of a concept u can probably  fall in representation, association or a failure. But I find it still a good way to learn. Although it would be helpful a lecture for the clarification of certain concepts. 
  • Find this kind of concepts that you think are related to your own project and we can have an one to one lecture session. Otherwise, if I speak generally you risk to follow new stimuli like the last time when the evening before we had a lecture about the relationship between audience and performance and you  focused your presentation of the day after on that topic.
  • Watch the film Being John Malkovich.

Regarding the project

  • Figure of Father. Where is it? Is missing his image. Still I think I want to work in the figures of the grandfather (past)and brother(present) before going to the father figure. But anyway I think indirectly there are coming out things in relation to this figure.
  • Concept on Gift( Zizek) that u could check.


Yesterday I had a very interesting discussion with an other resident here in PAF, Christine about gender roles, constructed identity, the bipolar relation female-male. She told me about her experience as crossed dressed  FTM (female to male). She spoke about the importance of “feeling” male as a more convincing way than the outfit.

I go back to the question that Jan made me in the first encounter>


Anyway…very nice discussion.

And today she sent me an article by a




P.A.F 02.08

Monday 02.09.2013 P.A.F

After doing a lot  it came the moment to do  and occupy myself with one thing.

To find out who is HE. Who I want him to be. 

It’s obvious. There is no mean to hide from that and to be impatient.

I choose HIM.

From a distance at the beginning.

I Know that He has something to do with these figures>



Mr N.

Mr S.

Maybe, He should be more related with the figure of Father. Where the Father is? Who the Father is?


Is it choreography a kind of Psychoanalysis as Pavlos uses to say?

For some reason I was avoiding to use my time here in PAF as a place of honest deep self analysis and therapy. “Here is work and an effort to find out what art means for me or how to learn more about work. It´s not a place for therapy.”…what a terrible misconception…

It is really about Me, dear Fenia.

I haven´t decide to be an employee (with all my respect to employees and the work their are doing. I have decided to expose myself believing that this can arrive as a meaning to others.  Otherwise I would have keep to do it in my living room. But first of all I do it for me, to find recognition, love, acceptance, heal, motivation to deal with my life decisions, to built up a completely autonomous person, free from restrictions and other´s desires and expectations.

Yesterday I realized how much little I do it for me. How much more I  have in my minds the others…the desires of  the others, the opinion that the others could have about me…In that way I follow to the trap of losing my essence, the essence of others role and function. The others represents the “Father”; the one that controls and influence who u are. His power is bigger than u think. Not all the “others”. The ones  I place them (consciously or unconsciously) as authorities in front of me and I tend to take a submissive attitude

others= > Father= > the big Other

MALE. MALE energy. MEN.

In order to confront with them I need my  “HE”.

This alter ego, this male persona maybe is the key.




I start for the recent Past. I start from the Grandfather.


Grandfather=> Past

Important note: Today from 8 o clock and for 24 hours I have signed a contract to be with Vagia (not in more than 2 metres distance while we are connected for whole period with a thick thread. She works on her project and I have to to concentrate to my own work.#



Write about the Grandfather.

-who is he in my mind?

– How I imagine him?

– What do I like about him?What I don´t?

Ask my mother to speak about him. Pavlos probably would have said that I will have more information about the other person than for him.

There is a thread to connect us. 

Anyway my idea of him is influenced by the narration of my mother because he died when I was child.

I want as much info about him.

Research movement.


-Way to brush the hair.

Emotion research




1st phase>description. The idea I have for him and the first associations.

Grandfather> My idea of him is that of a silent, introvert and kind man. Not able to hurt somebody. Melancholic eyes. He dance the best zeibekiko. He has a heavy and slow way to walk without moving too much his hand and with a tension to the left shoulder. Attractive and mysterious. Also:

  • blue eyes. I always wanted to have blue  or green eyes.
  • perfect hair. He used to brush his hair with a black comb in front of a mirror for hours. Each hair had to be in the right position. 
  • DSC05318DSC05317
  • Curved shoulders. Introversion, maybe because of  health problems.
  • Face with lines. Lines>personal association : strong personality, direct. I f I was a man I would like to have marked lines in my face. 
  • Silent type. Introvert. Spoiled. Used to be taken care by women: sister and wife.
  • Very thin and elegant presence.
  • Difficult with the food.

2nd phase>short  questionnaire for my mother about him>

  • When did he born?
  • Was he smiling often?
  • Was he talking too much?
  • Did he used to drink?
  • Did he like to sing or/and dance?
  • What kind of health problem he had?
  • What he was doing when he was angry?
  • How would you describe his voice?
  • What was that he hated?
  • What was that he loved most?
  • Can you describe some stories with him?
  • Do I have something that remind him?
  • Any other comment you want.

The story of the “Big Sister”  stayed all day long into my head. The real story and the way that I imagine it are fused.

  • The story with the hyper-protective sister> He is a man with no strong  will. Submissive to this powerful/strong woman, who controls him, suggests him what to do, takes care of him, influences him, follows him..Does he knows his own desires? How he defends them against her will.It was very interesting today, being attached (still I am) with Vagia. This thread  doesn’t allow me to take distance from her. The most of the times I follow her decisions and desires. Even when I am doing my work and she doesn’t bother me it’s still there. And I know that she will be for 24 hours. we were walking and she was behind me. In a certain moment I felt alone but at the same time her presence was so close to me. I wanted to be alone. I couldn’t.  But I resist. I don’t feel so much pressure. I accept that she exists but I am looking forward when I will be free from this thread.

I start not having a “face”.

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Another experiment was to find different ways to walk. The task is to try for the next days to embody a new way to walk.


I understand psychoanalysis as a process of cutting in pieces the “psyche” with a sharp knife in order to understand the way that it functions or not. Making choreography request a kind of analysis that will help to understand the way that I create something, how it functions or not, what works and what does’t work. Of course the too much analysis brings paralysis and it’s necessary to distinguish the moment that something needs to be analysed and the moment that has to be done. Doing and thinking are two process that has to walk hand to hand and this is actually the hard work. As in my case I realize that I tend more to think and analyse that sometimes rather than going deeper I just making circles around one thing. Although today in a certain moment of auto-analysis came out that…

I am doing what I am doing first of all in order to feel important.

My interest to work in my male persona or alter ego comes from a desire to find and combine the elements and characteristics of a persona that will claim its importance in different ways (speaking, dancing, being).

A process of slow transformation where I aim to discover more about Ego-complexity (Egomplexity?)  rather than to  solve any kind of problem aroused from the bipolar relationship of male and female within the person.

What Do I need solutions or ways to deal with myself , the others and the big other?


Today, under the restriction to be all the time with Vagia who was trying to distract me,  I tried to apply the triad

















P.A.F 1.09. I AM OKAY

Real deconstruction/destruction of inner self.

Just happened.

It’s painful.

Forward to the point “Zero”.

Z for Zero. 

I don´t know which is the right question.

And there is the RIGHT QUESTION. But I don´t know it.

And I don´t claim anymore that there is no right or wrong. There is the right question. 


What is written above was the first thoughts after the second presentation and feedback regarding the work I am doing here in PAF. …then I went back to my room (without have stopped crying…finally, after long time the real crying came out…) and the first thing I wanted really to do is to destroy the body data map. In this paper with my outline, had traces of the work I was doing the last days.  I felt that it was something without meaning or essential function anymore…Although it was not easy to make it pieces….especially when I was seeing details> lines  of different parts of the body , letters, symbols…A process of a real deconstruction of the image of myself  started when the presentation/performance finished. 

After one week I took a walk out of the space of PAF. It was a moment of liberation.


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Regarding the presentation>

The second presentation happened this morning at 11,30 a.m and started in the room 116 (where the first presentation took place). I had in my mind an itinerary performance. I was dressed as the last time (to give a continuity) ..in black and with the fake beard made with my hair.

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Then I asked them to follow me  and we went to the media room. Before going inside I actually told them that there are going to see the rehearsal of the day before but they should respect as Fenia were there and was rehearsing. On the wall was projected a video  with me dancing and at the same time was played on top my recorded voice (free word associations after the dance/movement research). In a certain point I tried to interact with the projection using improvisation.

From there I started feel that I was “failing”…Then I asked them to follow me again and we went to the “cave” room. There I read to them the first scenario that “Leo” (my male persona under construction)  wrote and wants to make movie.

Up to now I was working in two levels. the first was  the deconstruction of Fenias character. I was taking elements of what makes her to be Fenia and I was presenting them in a way that they were important things -like in a museum. On the other hand I was constructing slowly the male persona of Fenia (named Leo). My role during the tour presentations is ambiguous and not clear neither to me.

As my tendency is, I work at the same time in different aspects.

But I start also understanding the difficulty to go really deep.

The straight forward feedback of Pavlos and especially from Jan  had a strong impact to me. Not so easy to take it without start crying silently. But I knew that was exactly this kind of shock I was needed if I want to go really deep, to learn more about myself as a person and as an artist, to make a step forward as I wish long time now.



  • There is a juxtaposition of the documentation and the live presentation. What this means for you?
  • There is no clarity of the way that you present the gender issue.  For example if you were presenting yourself as Leo (male persona) you had still female body language (example while u were sitting).
  • Not rely to the others.
  • Create your criteria.
  • EPIFANIA. In Greek means surface. In psychoanalysis is when the patient (between the 3rd and 4th meeting) thinks that he understood which the problem is. S/he has this kind of enlightenment regarding his/her condition or situation. The psychoanalyst tries to convince him that what he thinks is still the surface.


  • Who wrote the scenario?
  • The work it has not substance.
  • Too quick formalization (video/photo/performance) of what you want to say  but when you speak about it I cannot really understand. The way that is formalized also doesn’t pose the problem but walk away from it.
  • You consider more “How should I do it?”
  • We had to follow you. Which is the importance of the walking performance/to prepare and say to the audience what to do (i.e respect). How am I related as audience?
  • What do u want really to address?
  • It’s more Illustration and association of the idea than a research.
  • Not losing time without addressing the subject.
  • ESCAPING from the subject.
  • IMAGINATION> The physician tries to imagine what is there. The artist tries to imagine what is not there.
  • The point is the way you are “sitting” on it.
  • Do not lose time to organize the ways u demonstrate something
  • FOR WHOM DO I DO IT? this is I think one of the most crucial question in which I call myself to answer. I though about it but this moment I prefer not to share it. And exactly this difficulty to share real discoveries is that makes me realize that if I work in something so much personal and I desire to address something that will arrive to the other side I must have the courage to see, accept, admit and then offer them.
  • do not be diffensive
  • 1% is inspiration and 99% transparency
  • ACCEPTATION> Accept that:

I am nothing

I don’t know

I am not goo

I am not an artist

I don’t have the answer

and that is okay

  • Not trying to find strategies to escape from these thoughts and feelings
  • TREAT yourself with dignity, kindly, gently.
  • Have fun
  • Here in PAF u have time. U have 16 hours to work. Not 16 hours just to do.
  • Skip the attitude of a student in front  of a teacher.
  • Take time to not be together and to act more independently















And I keep going forward…………







P.A.F. 31.08

Saturday 31.08. 2013  PAF

Pavlos advises me to go back to the Studio and Rehearse.

  • what kind of dance Fenia dances?
  • How do you correct yourself while you are doing something without using the camera?
  • Improvisation/score/repetition/rehearse/set up?
  • More optimistic  point of view.
  • A real dance piece. A real theater piece

His words resonate inside me. It’s like to hear an inner voice coming out and saying > Leave this computer, leave the camera, leave the thoughts, the books and the reflections and bring my body back to the space, to the studio. This is a real confrontation with myself. I realize more clearly that the use of the camera and the editing sometimes become an excuse in order to hide myself from this challenge. I keep longing for an embodiment of the theory, for dancing again with pleasure and curiosity. By doing you understand, Pavlos says and I know that he is right or at least that this way function for myself. Also when I write and speak I feel that thoughts and ideas becoming more concrete,  more real.

So why am I so afraid to go back to the Studio and deal with the first moment of frustration> What am I supposed to do?

I think I was need someone else to encourage me to do that. As it happened. Time to do it.


~He advised me to watch  Ritsema- Borrows piece> Weak dance-strong questions



I started by watching the raccomended  video and writing some reflections about it. Then I started warming up my body with massage and different somatic techniques based in improvisation and movement exploration. After a while I started moving into the space while my music list was playing randomly some songs.

I was warmed up enough to start making some scores I had thought and written before entering in the studio.

  1. dancing and speaking about what I am doing and feeling on the moment.Trying to keep the flow of the movement and the voice at the same time.
  2. dancing and speaking about what “dance” is for me.
  3. dance and narrating some memories from the past.
  4. dance in silence.

In a certain moment I remembered when I used dancing as child in the entrance of the building with my little chair while my audience (the passengers) were crossing the street (they could see me because the main door was made with glass). I used to listen or Michael Jackson or Greek singers of 80’s like my favorite> Pwlina:


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  • Voice experimentation>

The fact that voice is one of my weakest points I decided to use it and sing my old times  favorite song>

“Pame gia treles stis Seiheles” of Pwlina (Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie

Lyrics in Greek

Λα, λα, λα …

Δε με ριγούν τα μεγάλα τα ψάρια
κι οι καρχαρίες και τ’ αρσενικά
είμαι απ’ αυτές που κερδίζουν στα ζάρια
η συνταγή φυσικά είναι μια

Ποια ; Ποια ; Ποια ;
Τι σημαίνουν όλα αυτά ;

Με ένα σούπερ τοσοδούλι μίνι διάφανο και ροζ μπικίνι
κάνω ντου και τρομάζει ο ντουνιάς
με το βρεγμένο σούπερ μίνι διάφανο και ροζ μπικίνι
πέφτουν όλοι ξεροί μονομιάς

Λα, λα, λα …

Κι όμως θυμάμαι παλιά καλοκαίρια, λα λα λα
πόσο ντρεπόμουν τις πλαζ γενικά, λα λα λα
γυαλιά φορούσα μπουρνούζια καπέλα, λα λα λα
μα τα ξεπέρασα πια όλα αυτά

Ποια ; Ποια ; Ποια ;
Πώς ξεπέρασε όλα αυτά ;

Με ένα σούπερ τοσοδούλι μίνι διάφανο και ροζ μπικίνι
κάνω ντου και τρομάζει ο ντουνιάς
με το βρεγμένο σούπερ μίνι διάφανο και ροζ μπικίνι
πέφτουν όλοι ξεροί μονομιάς

Mπα μπα μπα δεν κρατιέται αυτή παιδιά

Λα, λα, λα …

Πήρα μαθήματα ανατομίας, λα λα λα
είδα δεκάδες διαφημιστικά, λα λα λα
Έφτιαξα όλας τας αδυναμίας, λα λα λα
δε με κομπλάρουν τα ξένα κορμιά

Ποια ; Ποια ; Ποια ;
Τι σημαίνουν όλα αυτά ;

Με ένα σούπερ τοσοδούλι μίνι διάφανο και ροζ μπικίνι
κάνω ντου και τρομάζει ο ντουνιάς
με το βρεγμένο σούπερ μίνι διάφανο και ροζ μπικίνι
πέφτουν όλοι ξεροί μονομιάς

Μπα μπα μπα δεν κρατιέται αυτή παιδιά

Με ένα σούπερ τοσοδούλι μίνι διάφανο και ροζ μπικίνι
κάνω ντου και τρομάζει ο ντουνιάς
με το βρεγμένο σούπερ μίνι διάφανο και ροζ μπικίνι
πέφτουν όλοι ξεροί μονομιάς

Μα ποια είσαι τέλος πάντων ;
-ένα καρακατσουλιό
Στόχος έγινες των πάντων
ε, με τον τρόπο μου κι εγώ

Of course after while people from the next room started to complain..I cannot understand why they could enjoy my marvelous voice  repeating 100 times the refrain of the song!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway different thing came out from 4 hours non stop dance and voice practice in relation to memories.

How can I present this material as very “important”element in the auto ethnological museum of Fenia? How teh audinece will interact and experience the sharing of Fenia’s memories?


In the evening we watched all together the lecture that pavlos proposed “The many headed monster” by Joshua Sofaer regarding  contemporary performance practices and their relationships with audiences.

Very interesting questions, sharing of opinions and thoughts regarding the audience, its importance, the various ways to deal with based on the needs of the individual project etc.

What kind of relationship I want to built up my audience?

How much interactive or participatory I want the project to be?

How the audience can be involved to the process of deconstruction and construction of someone’s else Identity?

Tomorrow during the experimentation I could try out some options.

Very interesting inspiration is the work of Oreet Ashery: Say cheese, 2002> In one to one performance that took place in a bedroom, she was performing as a religious Jewish drag king in order to make the participant to speak about things that in another context probably wouldn’t dare. In a certain point the participant would decide to take  a picture of the situation. This foto would be sent to him the day after as  a”memory”/trace of the performance/possibility for post reflection of the experience. The participant, also, becomes an artist(photographer) by taking decision within the performance.
