Lets start with some inspiration today
Lili Handel by Ivo Dimcev
Being John Malcovitch
-WELL MAXINE, I Am not sure exacTly …
PErhaPS ThE IDEA BEcoming soMEone Else for a WHIle.
Being inside anOTHER SKin.
THINKing differently
MOVing differently
FEELing diferently.
…about the nature of self…the existence of the soul… weather I am me
…It’s like he has a vagina.is vaginal..he is pennis and vagina…akind of Malcovitch feminine site
…so strong. I want that voice..
Someone was talking through my mouth….through me..
..the truth is for suckers..
..am I a kind of a monster?…No honey…you are a very confused man.
..It’s all about making friend with Malcovitch body rather than thinking of he is an enemy that has to be pounded into submission
What do I get from these video?
- Revelation of the truth self. this has to be happen in the presence of the Others.
- Looking yourself from a hole. How do change your lenses?
- The horror of finding and seeing all the aspects of yourself.
- What u demonstrate is the hybrid of yourself. Something that belongs somewhere between reality and fantasy.
- Awareness of the place you are or Control of yourself and your actions? Both can be the different aspects of the same game.