Zizek. How to read Lacan. Ch2.

Notes about : Zizek. How to read Lacan.

Chapter: The interpassive subject. Lacan Turns a prayer wheel


Key words: Chorus, weepers, prayer wheels, interact, new media, VCR, passive, active, “Oops”,obsessional neurotic, predestination, know, belief, Santa Claus, politeness, fetishist disavowal, Les non-dupes errent, symbolic castration, hysteria, phallus, hysterization, justice, virtual reality.

Key concepts: Interpassivity, Interactivity.


Chorus: is people whoa re moved. Lacan , speaking about the Chorus, refers to its function  within the spectacle. Zizek explains that the Chorus acts in a way that deprives the audience to make their own emotional experience. Someone else comments the main theatrical action and the viewer watch in a passive mode. The comparison to Chorus is  made with action of DELEGATION

“WEEPERS”> paid keening: a form of vocal lament associated with mourning that is traditional in Ireland, Scotland, and other cultures. The “keen” itself is thought to have been constituted of stock poetic elements (the listing of the genealogy of the deceased, praise for the deceased, emphasis on the woeful condition of those left behind etc.) set to vocal lament. While generally carried out by one or several women, a chorus may have been intoned by all present. Physical movements involving rocking, kneeling or clapping accompanied the keening woman (“bean caoinadh”) who was often paid for her services ( source: WIKIPEDIA)

“PRAYING WHEELS”> The wheel that prays for me.

Delegation and Religion. I think  that  in many religions the  pray works as delegation of own´s life responsibility to an external divine source.” Someone else”, my GOD,  will take care about my misfortune and will resolve my problems. This create a relation between the person and the “divine” under the spectrum of intepassivity. DEUS EX MACHINA.

“Readymade laughter”>separate  soundrack for a recorded comedy show containing the sound of audience laughter. In some productions the laughter is a live audience response; in the U.S., the term usually implies artificial laughter (canned laughter or fake laughter) made to be inserted into the show. This was invented by American sound engineer Charles Douglass. (source: WIKIPEDIA).





Zizek argues that interpassivity is an  opposed concept  to




Inter-active: new media. Break of the passive role of the viewer;active participation in the spectacle. Zizek says that there is a doubtful perception  that every form of new media gives to the subject the sense of interactivity. In “Art, Power, and communication”(RHIZOME DIGEST: October 11, 1996. http://www.rhizome.com), Alexei Shulgin writes:

“Looking at very popular media art form such as “interactive installation” I always wonder how people (viewers) are exited about this new way of manipulation on them. It seems that manipulation is the only form of communication they know and can appreciate. They are happily following very few options given to them by artists: press left or right button, jump or sit. Their manipulators artists feel that and are using seduces of newest technologies (future now!) to involve people in their pseudo-interactive games obviously based on banal will for power. But what nice words you can hear around it: interaction, interface for self-expression, artificial intelligence, communication even. So, emergence of media art is characterised by transition from representation to manipulation.”




” I can remain passive, sitting confortably in the black-ground, while the Other does it for me” (p.25)

I am wondering how much we decide consciously being “passive” and delegate our actions/feelings to others.

´QUESTION- Is our passive behavior fault of the “big Other”?

Zizek´s intepassivity is based upon a situation where a persona feels active but is instead passive through the substitution of an activity to  an other object. He clarifies intepassivity through the example where substitution takes place;

VCR: system to record movies.

  • exquisite art of far niente. (p.24)
  • watching them for me, in my place (p.24)
  • medium of  symbolic registration that stands for the big Other


JOKES:  The case of a tasteless joke , when no one laughs and the person laughs by himself and repeats “This it was funny”.: similar to canned laughter.


Also the social network can function as a system of substitution

Newsfeed “Facebook is known for its newsfeed system: a list of friends’ updates that displays on the main page. The newsfeed consist of updates by individual users who are aware that their friends may not even read their updates, because the newsfeed is time-bound. Besides, it’s very likely that the users do not have their Facebook startpage opened constantly, which means that they can easily miss messages. Weather you open the page or not, Facebook receives everybody’s status update for you and you’re able to read the updates later. Thus, the newsfeed system can be perceived as a symbolic registration system like the VCR used in Žižek’s example; as the user doesn’t read his friends’ updates, Facebook does.” “Facebook is able to enhance their social lifes by making it possible for other users to connect to them, while personally they’re not actively involved on Facebook at all.” MArc Stumpel

source: http://marcstumpel.wordpress.com/tag/interpassivity/

I am passive through the Other. This happens in the case of interpassivity, where, I give the permission to the Other to make my experience instead of me, while I am doing something else. Like in the case of the canned laughter: I am sitting in my sofa  in front of the television watching a reality show and in the same time the TV audience laughs inside the screen at my place.

The false activity about which Zizek speaks , is this kind of action that prevents something from  happening  in order to not change something. This reminds the behavior of  the obsessional neurotic, who talks constantly and tries to prevent things to happen. His uncontrollable obsession is expressed through anecdotes, dreams, insights . Behind this behavior is covered the anxiety  and the fear that the truly matter can come out. In this case the action is more a pseudo-action. Be passive and withdraw could be preferable than being active and participate.

  • “do nothing” VS “do something”
  • Withdraw vs participate.

According Zizek the obsessive neurosis there is a resemblance between obsession neurosis and religious practices.

Example: The paradox of Predestination> all events have been willed by God.

  • God’s decision, assignment or declaration concerning the lot of people is conceived as occurring in some sense prior to the outcome, and
  • the decision is fully predictive of the outcome, and not merely probable.
  • people actions sustain the big Other.

Question: First I believe in God and then the proofs of the truth come. In this case how much capable is an individual to put in effect his/her desires?

The reversed order  “first knows” and then proceed to collect proofs exists also  in psychoanalysis and  in the relationship between analyst. The a analyst is thought to know the secret meaning of patient’s words> transposition of patient’s unconscious knowledge to the analysts> transference of treatment.

FREUD and the case of Rat Man> Ratman was the nickname of Freud’s patient who had a lot of fantasies  and obsessions.The Rat Man came to Freud because he felt overwhelmed by his obsessional thoughts. He accused himself of having an undesirable behavior. This may be the result of the obsessional ideas. Most of his obsessive thoughts included rats. For this reason Freud called the patient The Rat Man. 

more info: http://freudpsychoanalysis.com/rat-man-case-study/


ARTIST:The  Cambridge Experimental Theatre at 2008 made a project based on the Ratman analysis with  Freud. A hybrid of various media: installation, extended voice composition, acting, discourses and readings.


The phenomenon of the subject is considered by Zizek as feature of the symbolic order.

” With regard to religion, we no longer “really believe”, we just follow (various) religious rituals and behaviors as part of a respect for the “life style” of the community we belong to” (p.30). I agree that this is one of the main characteristic of our times. I an observe this in my daily life when, including of course my self, we are doing things not because I believe in these but because I “have” to respect some rules and traditions of the society in which I live. Taking as example each time I return in Greece ( in 7 year of life in abroad/in different cultural contexts), I act in certain situations not completely based on my believes. The risk to behave differently  hide the risk of be rejected and misunderstood; Of course this doesn’t exclude the opening of discussion regarding opposed opinion upon certain subjects but for sure I have to think twice before go against at the “general belief”.

Here enters also the issue of “politeness”, this enigmatic status, as Zizek explains where I perform through a mask  (the false persona) and I construct a false image of myself which allows me to be part on the virtual community in which I participate. Maybe I do something without having the correspondent emotions. Although for Zizek somehow this kind of behavior  is not simply false.: “although my true self does not feel them (emotions), they are nonetheless in a sense true.

Comparison of  “reality TV shows – Life” and “coffee- decaf coffee).

In this point come into my mind the The film the Truman Show:  The  life of a man who is initially unaware that he is living in a constructed reality television show, broadcast around the clock to billions of people across the globe.  But when Truman becomes suspicious of his perceived reality, embarks to discover the truth about his life. What is really true? It was not true his life before starting being suspicious?

On the other hand there are people who are aware to live in a “bubble” but they decide to keep believing that they are not living in a “bubble”. There are people who feels in a certain way but their actions are opposed to their owns feelings. An attitude that can bring an individual into different kinds of neurosis, depression and other clinical cases.



  • The fear of being  degraded, dominated or made insignificant.
  • gap between who I am and the symbolic mask that makes the subject into something. The subject is thus castrated from the ‘real’ “I” by projecting something else.
  • You are what you are in relation to others; you yourself are self and other.
  • phallus as organ without a body.
  • castration-anxiety.
  • once you notice this castration, and do not feel comfortable with it, you might turn into a hysteric.
  • is the subject’s first perception of the Other.
  • when the body is submitted to castration, enjoyment is evacuated from it, the body survives as dismembered, mortified.



In the Greek culture (which is familiar to me) is noticed the difficulty of certain profile- men (called macho-men)to accept and understand the existence of homosexuals/drag queen/transsexuals and in some cases their behavior or reactions are very negative and  aggressive. I am wondering if this it happens because the figure of a Drag Queen represents for them the fear of Castration, the fear of dis-empowerment  and loss of the established male role of power in the western culture.



  • “Tell me! Answer me! Whatever you say I am!”
  • Tell me … who I am? –> I am who you say.                                    matheme


  • Tell me who I am? –> You are what I say.


As subject, the hysteric poses the question which causes speech; as object she is what knowledge must, but cannot, articulate.


ARTIST: Ben Shih. Artist who through his performances attempts to externalize his social anxiety.

ARTIST:   Zoe Belloff. Artist from Scotland. Her works cover a wide range of media including film, projection performance, installation and drawing. She considers herself a medium, an interface between the living and the dead, the real and the imaginary.

Beloff supplies her own private history of an obsession, the modern-day obsession with psychoanalysis. Her miniature theaters teem with ghosts. In the smaller models, translucent specters act out hysteria, as described around 1890 by Pierre Janet, a decade before Freud’s early work. (source:http://www.haberarts.com/schneem.htm#beloff)















Zizek: How to read Lacan. Chapter.1

Notes on : “Zizek, How to read Lacan”.

Chapter 1.Empty Gestures and performatives, Lacan confronts the CIA plot.

Key words: Trojan horse, puppets, epiphenomena, symbolic, imaginary, real, symptom, “one”, language, communication, “phatic communication”, ambivalent, disintegration, dissolution, sociopath, “twofold moment”, unsent letter, content, meta-choice, message, food, excrement, toilet, enunciated- enunciation, declaration, tacit agreement, Monster plot, deception, act,  wheelbarrow.

Key-concepts: “big Other”, “empty gestures”, “symbolic order”, “triad of human being’s reality”

In this chapter Zizek disposes the groundwork for concepts like “The Triad of the Real,” “The Big Other” and “Empty Gestures.”

The “big Other”> According Lacan, the “big Other” (b.O) :


  1. can be personified in a single agent: the “GOD” (someone who controls and direct above our heads) or the “Cause”( the reason for which we can sacrifice our lives).
  2. must be always there.
  3. exists in so far as subjects act if it is exists.
  4. is fragile, insubstantial, properly virtual.
  5. operates at a symbolic level.
  6. witnesses

According Lacan, the “big Other”, is this kind of virtual Master who regulates a social conversation and communication and in a certain extent defines and influence the construction of Self and determines the content of a message. The “big Other” has the power to permeate everywhere but at the same time is “fragile” because actually exists as long  human beings exist. The lacanian idea of the b.O comes through the human interaction. The communication, understanding, interpretation, comprehension of others happen through the “b.O”. Zizek’s bring  the example of the Mexican soap opera, where the actors learn how to act based on the instructions of what and how  they have to do through tiny receivers in their ears. This image remind us the puppet and the master> “we talk and interact like puppets”.

For Lacan the “big Other” operates in three intertwined levels:

  • Symbolic> the way of interacting with the others
  • Imaginary> the virtualization of the others.
  • Real> the circumstances, surrounding, ambient of the situation that can bring  unexpected changes.

Example: Chess. Is it life a game, played as chess?

 “big Other” and  language.

“Every utterance not only transmit some content, but, simultaneously, conveys the way the subject relates to this content” (p.16).

It is the way and the intention behind words and actions that defines the relation between signifier and signified?

Enunciated content and act of enunciation. Zizek brings our attention to the gap existing between these two elements of human speech.

Language> an ambivalent  gift.  “Timeo Danaos, et dano ferentes”

  • The language is seen as an ambivalent gift that can also destroy.The gift is an offer. The acceptance or the rejection of the gift establish the link between giver and receiver. The way that the giver gives the gift is more important than the gift itself. The gifts are signifier of the pact between two parts.

“The symbolic order emerges from a gift, an offering, that marks its content as neutral in order to pose as a gift: when a gift is offered, what matters is not its content but the link between giver and receiver established when the receiver accepts the gift (p.12).”


“Walking Life” is a rotoscoped film, directed by Richard Linklater, about a young man who participates actively in philosophical discussion about free will, meaning of life, existentialism etc and who  realize that he is living out a perpetual dream, broken up only by occasional false awakenings. 

What is language?

Symbolic order.

  • The symbolic order works in tension with the Imaginary and the Real and is constituted by rules. Zizek elucidate the role of rules by saying that these rules (in relation to language- communication) can be divided at: a) rules (grammatical) that we follow blindly, but of which we can be partially aware, b) rules that we follow in ignorance (prohibitions) and c) rules that must not be seen to know of. The violation of these rules can bring : disintegration and chaos. They are taken in consideration because is what the “big Other” doesn’t do.


Empty Gesture.

The “empty gesture”  concept refers to > Gestures that have been created for us purely to keep the peace and as a result be “rejected” on purpose. When they are “accepted” chaos, dissolution and disintegration can be occurred> Interruption, confusion, break of “invisible rules”.


In accordance to the Levi-Straussian  triangle of cooking > raw (Nature), boiled (mediation/process), baked (Culture), Zizek analyzes the 3 basic types of toilet-design  on the West culture:

  1. German toilet> structure where the shit first laid out for us to sniff and inspect traces of illness>reflective thoroughness>German Metaphysics/poetry>ambiguous contemplative fascination.
  2. French Toilet>the shit dissapears as soon as possible>revolutionary hastiness>French politics>attempt to get rid of the unpleasant excess immediately.
  3. American Toilet> mediation between the two opposed previous poles>moderate utilitarian pragmatism>economics>pragmatic approach to treat the excess as an ordinary object.



“Belonging to a society  involves the paradoxical point at which each one of us is ordered to embrace freely…what is anyway is imposed on us” (p12)

A nice comment on free will comes again from the film “Walking Life”

“There is not a lot of room left for freedom” 0:55sec

Freud and Symptom> Freud argues  that symptoms are a physical link to the experiences that have shaped our consciousness.

Zizek explains that from Freud’s point of view the symptoms are actually coded messages about inner experiences, desires or traumas.
The monster plot.

Was James Angleton paranoic?

“The deception resided in our failure to include in the list of suspects the very idea of (globalized) suspicion” (p.21)

details about monster plot> http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/terrorists_spies/spies/james_jesus_angleton/7.html




Zizek defines as sociopath as a person who “discern  the mortal rules that regulate social interaction”,  “lacks the “gut feeling” of  right or wrong”, ” practices the notion of morality developed by utilirianism”. Sow e can say that sociopath is marked  by the inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules.


ARTISTS related to the chapter.

At my opinion some artist , whose work can have a link with the philosophical aspects  and concepts that Zizek brings in light are>

Gerhard Richter is a German artist, whose work can be examined through the prism of Lacanian theory.

In addition, both analyst and artist ask us to locate the ‘real’. The ‘real’ has different meanings for Lacan and for Richter. In Lacan the ‘real’ is an “unrent, undifferentiated fabric”; there are no divisions or gaps in his ‘real’ register as it belongs to the period before language and the ‘symbolic’ order, and equates to the time before the baby’s body was socialised and coaxed into compliance.  The ‘real’ in that sense does not exist – it is “killed” by the letter of the ‘symbolic’ order which, as Bruce Fink puts it, “cuts into the smooth facade of the ‘real’, creating divisions, gaps and distinguishable entities… laying the ‘real’ to rest”. Lacan borrows from Heidegger when he says that the ‘real’ “ex-ists” outside of our reality; it only exists insofar as we use language to describe it and give it a sort of substance.”

Lesley Marks “Situating the “Real,” Discovering Desire”. PSYART: A Hyperlink Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts. December 15, 2009. Available http://www.psyartjournal.com/article/show/marks-situating_the_real_discovering_desire.Accessed 03.o8.2013

Raul Ruiz> He is a chilean filmmaker; a  poet of oneiric imagery and a fabulist of labyrinthine stories-within-stories whose films slip effortlessly from reality to imagination and back again. (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0749914/bio)

 Juan Carlos Mendizabal>contemporary artist from Salvador. In his installation “Itzpapalotl: black Butterfly/Mariposa negra” for the SOMArts’ exhibition Mourning and Scars: 20 Years After the War he made a booth that- as he explains in an interview-represents  the surface, the flesh, the social entity that is  part of the symbolic order. Outside there  is language, symbols and frozen images.  Inside is the inner world of myths, dreams and direct perceptions.

butterfly-int butterfly-ext








                                                                                                                       Post studium- reflections




It was very interesting reading this chapter and at the same time trying to explain some basic concepts in a  simple way to 3 young Greek people who happened to be in the same space with me .





From our discussion some interesting questions came out:

-The big Other is like the big (br)Other?



big brother

It comes in my mind the book of  Orwell  “1984”, in which is described how people’s thoughts are controlled to ensure purity of the oligarchical system in place. Figurehead of the system is the omnipresent  Big Brother. After some years the “Big Brother” took form as a reality show where people were in 24/7 surveillance. This big eye that controls everything is happening. The “existence” and the idea of an external eye, that controls,  was influencing and directing the behavior of who was inside that space. Taking in consideration the theories about the “big Other”, it seems that since the beginning of the human civilization -the human beings co-exist with the “b.O”.

-Is the big Other a social construction important for the function of a society?

-If the big Other is taking from us “freedom” to be who we are, how do we know that without it  we would be “free”?

-Does exist “Self”  without the “big Other”?if not why is needed to identify/recognize the existence of the “big Other”?

-Where my agency as individual starts and ends in relation to the “big Other”?

-How do we fight against the power of the big Other?  One way is the radical opposition in cost of life. (Zizek in his book: “Live Theory”,  brings as example Antigone, who acted against the universality of the Power. She opposed the Power in the name of her Cause (justice for her brother).