1st Presentation

29.09 2013

Room 116.  P.A.F.                        


First presentation in front of my peers and the two tutors in order to get feedback.

The presentation was made at 22.10 in the small room 116. I was walking around till to find the “right space” then I understood that it was not about the form, it’s not the moment to concern about the way and the form or format which will present my work..It s about the content and how to go deeper…and it’s something to remember constantly.Anyway I choose the empty room next to mine. It was more intimate space and compact space. When they came inside the could accommodate their selves to bed or stand on their feet. The first thing they did was to give  a look to the body data map on the wall.


The I started reading the underlined words of my first text>

“Who Fenia is 32 58 brown hair long very thin male energy that someone attacks her feels sorry make money makes me uncomfortable real chaos the worst jump without warning when I speak I have the fear others won’t listen at me power is coming out honey small chin although when I look at them in the mirror I fin them attractive impressing the others find excuses cries easily to deal with rejection afraid is egoist dance is sleeping inside bottles empty bottles 100o foto in facebook lose herself analyse her past exaggerate Fenia would like to learn how to climb as a boy to the tree smiles Fotini new name is octopus thinks  with glasses and a pipe  each plokami holds a different object a book a feather a broken glass a letter a flower an other smaller octopus a root a chocolate a photo a thread and scissors sits on clepsidra  



Then I went more in to specific by showing the video with Fenia’s poses

P for Poses from Foteini K on Vimeo.


and the 1 minute video with  the  naked dance in the space >”Fenia tries not being beautiful while she is dancing”.

vlcsnap-2013-08-30-16h09m56s55 vlcsnap-2013-08-30-16h09m33s82 vlcsnap-2013-08-30-16h09m31s60 vlcsnap-2013-08-30-16h09m28s27 vlcsnap-2013-08-30-16h09m25s5

Follows the next unedited video where I speak about the “thing” while I am in front of the mirror making a beard using some of my hair. When the text finishes I close the light of the mirror.





Pavlos experiences the presentation as a tour guide in a museum where something unimportant was coming and presenting as something very important. Like a village that has museums to present the more important things you can find in it. What is important and what is not? In case that takes this direction it has to be well made in order to “convince” the viewer for the big importance of the exposed object/subject. I like this idea that comes out.

Then he made the association with the creation of the new institute of Marina Abramovic. He asked me to what position I take about this event. To look the adv of Abramovic with lady Gaga. Museum as a place of ego-centrism.


Naked dance> not at all a dance where I don’t try to be beautiful> a combination of a juicy  Isadora Duncan, contemporary dancing techniques, reminding of  Lady Gaga and Abramovic running naked for MAI adv.  Do you make fun of yourself? And why to try not being beautiful?

In fact the whole frame and the way I move to the space cannot be considered as ugly. This video is more> Fenia being beautiful while dancing.I am wondering how much really ugly can I be and why this would be necessary to discover. Where is placed and how ugliness is presented  in relation to identity? What means to be ugly?It has only aesthetic criteria?Already I follow a kind of aesthetics that characterizes me. Do I need to consider it? to change it?

Mythic- Big rather than Mythological. In my idea to depict or use the symbolic image of octopus coming out from the automatic writing, Pavlos question is how much necessary is to make something mythological. the whole thing is already surrealistic and is more mythic than mythological. How much needs the audience to see something that is not realistic?

Hiding> Why do you hide the foto? Why there is no here the figure of the  Father?Why and what is censored?

On the body data map there where 3 foto (grandfather, brother, mother). These foto were turned in the opposite side so u could see their faces. On the white side was written only who is in the foto. Vagia noticed that also in the unedited video I start by saying that I hide the thing  about which I speak. This brings to my mind the discussion we had with Pavlos about the censorship. If I decide to write a dictionary for example what do I include and what I don’t? what do I censor and why?

So this it will be very important to reflect on> What do I hide, from whom and if not to whom is accessible the hidden information? I like the idea to have a “secret” space where the most awkward/strange/unspoken things are accessible to some people? who is going to have access?how the audience discover them?

JAN asked me what do I want to do with this two characters (male and female). When and where do they meet each other? What happens with them?

An epic movie?

A video where these two parts are discussing about something. A conversation. An encounter where they taking to each other. A scenario of seduction/making love or whatever the fantasy recalls.

Use Fantasy.

Vagia> I liked the fact that you started with one identity and you finished with an other one.. not only physically, aesthetically but also as behavior, body language, expression. This it could be interesting as another way to present the work..slowly slowly to change to be transformed almost in a imperceptible way.

 Also I didn’t understand about what you were speaking in the video> what kind of thing is?

This is a “thing” that can be one of the “secrets”. I don’t reveal it yet.

A question that u can put in relation to the video where u dance trying to be ugly is “why u  think that this is ugly?”.

Vagia shows me a video where she thinks to be ugly. It is ugly because she founds it “sick”. On the other hand I found it interesting and not for sure ugly. So which are are the criteria to define something as ugly? and especially regarding the MOVEMENT.


Many things to consider and to reflect before or while I am going on. Next step> go out of the room and take a walk outside in the countryside.





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