P.A.F 28.8

Wednesday 28.08.2013 PAF

The plan for today was to collect material about myself. At the end of the day, I have a body map with my outline hanged on the wall, a text from 1hour automatic writing about myself (4 pages A4), 1 text about my feelings regarding a “secret” object, 55 Foto of my body and its different parts. After the work of today the ideas become more clear but at the same time I realize that indeed this project is about Me; therefore I start feeling a bit uncomfortable. From this non- comfortable space and the conscious  self-obsessive occupation to collecting material about myself,  it will come out the real answer on why I am doing  a project like that and why it could be interesting for someone to watch. I start understanding that is not so easy and simple work to do.

  • How much distance do I take from myself in order to discover, explore, document myself? This first text is written sometimes in the 3rd person and sometimes in the 1st person.
  • What Fenia is?What Fenia represents? Is Fenia, Fotini? Fotini and Fenia are the same person? (Fotini is my real name, that my family and friends from childhood and school times use to call me. Fenia is a name that my first dance teacher gave to me and that stays the way to present my self in the field of art. How much the name defines yourself?Why an artist choose a different name to present and sign for his/her work?
  • Is it artistic process or an other kind of psychoanalysis?
  • Where is my alter ego, Leo?which is his role?

Idea: Making an encyclopedia of Fenia by creating an interactive space -an interactive  ENCYCLOPEDIA where all the information/references/maps/dictionary/history about Fenia are exposed.


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Link: Woody Allen. movie. Self presentation.