Initial Idea.
What the research question is?
What interests you?
Even if I feel constantly invaded by ideas ans things I want to do, when I am asked to speak specifically about something and to write a whole proposal about it, I am in front of difficulties to gather my thought in one point and then externalize it in the way I am asked. So the training consists in just doing it..just writing down proposal.
Here the first trial.
7th August
A research based on Identity.
Title: “Who I would be, if I was not me? ”
A Summary of the research
The starting point of this practice as research is my interest to investigate and explore the topic of identity in relation to the genealogical history and inheritance of the individual. The main question that runs through my research is “Who I would be, if I was not me?”. The aim is not to find an answer but to use this question as a key that opens the door of a mysterious world that hides a lot of information regarding the construction of identity and gender. Each answer to this question has only a hypothetical character that it won’t find a verification in the realm of the reality, as we intended based on our logic. The research has autobiographical – autoethnographical character and regards not only the psychological aspect of this new hypothetical “I” , created if I would change some parts of my story, but also the physical aspect of it in terms of gender and sexuality. The basic link it will be with my ancestors.
My main inspiration comes from areas that I intend to explore in depth such as: gender studies , theory of subjectivity, Freud’s and Lacan’s theory concerning the triad Id-Ego-Superego, Psicogenealogy and genetic inheritance of Alexander Jodorowsky.
The main artists of whom work intrigues and inspires me is Orlan with her constant transformation through plastic surgeries, Diane Torr, a Scottish artist working in drag king performance and Cindy Sherman. My participation in Diane Torr’s workshop Man for a Day, was the first attempt of the construction of my male persona. That experience has been a significant introspective journey that opened a serious of questions on how my identity has been constructed by societal factors and at the same time cultivated a deep curiosity about the influences coming from our ancestors and our genetic historiography. Also Ivo Dimchev and Lili Handel is another interesting source of how a new persona is constructed. Although the aim isn’t the construction of fictional character that it will take place on stage.
The question of “Who am I?” is very often addressed by individuals, especially in our times that idols and archetypes proposed by the consumerist and capitalistic society through the media help to create a false image of our self and how we should/would like to be. The crisis of identity asks for the re-formation of a self. Very often in different phases of life we ask ourselves “Who am I?”. It ‘s like a quiz question that is coming back to find new answers. Is there any essential answer?Which danger is hidden behind the answer “I am…”? So many sub question arises and there is more than one pathway to walk on.
In this research is involved the technology and the more specifically the video-art and the photography. How technology and its artistic aspect contributes to the construction of identity?
Well…definitely it needs to become more clear.