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The idea is to create a space where a conglomeration of memories and traces of each encounter with my father and/or what the paternal figure symbolizes. The people who enter in that space are allowed to observe, touch, read letters, listen from headphones recorded voices and watch short autobiographical diary/videos.

Egographia 1a from Foteini K on Vimeo.

Egographia 3 from Foteini K on Vimeo.

Egographia 4 from Foteini K on Vimeo.

There are going to be placed some tools that they can use( like scissors, cloth, erasers, shredder machine) in case they want to interfere  and

change, cancel, erase, destroy, cut..

Intro 1 from Foteini K on Vimeo.

The live performance it will happen in the same space and it consists in some actions: It follows an example:







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